European research infrastructures launch comprehensive biomedical alliance EU-AMRI

BBMRI-ERIC (Bio-banking and Bio-molecular Resources Research Infrastructure), EATRIS-ERIC (European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine) and ECRIN-ERIC (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network), the medical European research Infrastructures, including the Czech national nodes BBMRI-CZ, EATRIS-CZ and CZECRIN, have joined their forces by forming the European Alliance of Medical Research Infrastructures (EU-AMRI). EU-AMRI aims to facilitate the effective and efficient use of scientific services, expertise and tools by academia and industry for the seamless translation of their scientific discoveries into new treatments and solutions for patients.

The EU-AMRI membership base

The EU-AMRI’s one stop shop

BBMRI-ERIC, EATRIS-ERIC and ECRIN-ERIC share a commitment to increase patient benefit of research, promote good research practice and ensure greater access to available research infrastructure resources. The end goal of EU-AMRI is to make it easier for the broader research community to achieve their goals by delivering scientific services with the highest standards of quality and reproducibility.

Via a new website, EU-AMRI allows industry and academia to conveniently choose from a range of services according to their needs. These services span the biomedical pipeline, from preclinical models to sample access, biomarker research to multinational clinical trials and product development. In addition, the research infrastructures offer extensive training and support in ethical, legal and societal issues, quality management, regulatory affairs or public-private collaborations.

EU-AMRI provides an array of services for biomedical researchers, many of which are free of charge to users

Launch of the EU-AMRI Alliance

On 14th December 2021 (10:00 – 12:00 CET), EU-AMRI will be formally launched in Brussels, Belgium. The programme will include a presentation of EU-AMRI and will be followed by a round-table discussion with important stakeholders for the future of the EU-AMRI Alliance. One of the guests will be Mr Pavel Doleček, Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Science and Research at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

For more information and to subscribe to the launch event, please visit

Pre-registration is open here.
