Round 10 data now available

The European Social Survey (ESS) has  published data collected during Round 10 (2020-22) for the first time.

Data is available via the ESS Data Portal from 10 of the 32 participating countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Survey data from these 10 countries was collected using face-to-face interviews and is available alongside interviewer and contact form data.  A second data release – planned for November 2022 – will contain data from a much larger number of countries.

This initial Round 10 dataset is also available alongside the revised ESS Data Wizard. It means that all available data collected from Round 1 (2002/03) to Round 10 (2020-22) of our survey can now be downloaded in a single file, available in CSV, DTA and SAV formats. The Wizard also allows registered users to generate and download a bespoke subset of our data by choosing a selection of survey rounds, countries and variables.

Due to measures implemented to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus, our fieldwork period was longer than usual, with data collected from September 2020 up until May 2022. In several countries where face-to-face interviews were not possible, the Round 10 questionnaire was fielded using self-completion methods. This self-completion data – collected either using a sequential web – paper or a concurrent web and paper design – will be published at the end of 2022.

Our Round 10 questionnaire included the core questionnaire, fielded in every round. It also included two rotating modules: Europeans’ understandings and evaluations of democracy and Digital social contacts in work and family life. Additionally, a special COVID-19 module was fielded by countries on a voluntary basis.