RICH-2 – International Joint Proposal Check Service for RIs by NCPs

RICH-2 project gathers NCPs of EU Member States and Associated Countries to the Horizon 2020 framework programme (H2020). Thanks to this setting, experience sharing between the ones already successful in framework programmes and the ones only becoming successful in this endeavor is made possible.

The objective of the RICH-2 International Joint Proposal Check Service of the RIs project proposals by NCPs for the open calls topics INFRAEOSC-03-2020, INFRAEOSC-07-2020, INFRAIA-02-2020, INFRAIA-03-2020, INFRAINNOV-03-2020, INFRAINNOV-04-2020 and INFRASUPP-02-2020 is to provide continuous, long-term expert support for projects proposers of to the above mentioned H2020 calls. The service started in December 2019 and will be provided until the calls closure.  By using this service, the quality and consequently the success rate of the projects proposals should be raised.

RICH-2 project members are well aware of the need for discretion and data protection, including the data protected by GDPR. NCPs will act in accordance with the “Minimum standards and Guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact Points (NCP systems) under Horizon 2020.“ These principles ensure for NCPs not to be in conflict of interest, and keep secrecy concerning projects and project proposals.

More information at: . In case of questions contact the CZ NCP for research infrastructures at: .