Czech National Node to the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine

EATRIS-CZ – website

Hosting institution: Palacký University in Olomouc

Partner institutions:

The pan-European research infrastructure EATRIS (European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine) comprises over 80 leading research organisations across Europe. The Czech national node EATRIS CZ was embedded into the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine of the Palacký University in Olomouc. EATRIS-CZ provides cutting edge research infrastructure and expertise along the entire translational value chain. It provides the possibilities of “one-stop-shop” access to reach the first-in-human application and clinical proof-of-concept in 5 interrelated product platforms. Research infrastructure EATRIS-CZ offers a multidisciplinary development, including key technologies, services, patient cohorts and opinion leader interactions. Research infrastructure EATRIS-CZ actively cooperates with other research infrastructures within the Czech and international landscape. Namely, collaboration with INFRAFRONITIER and EU-OPENSCREEN (European Infrastructure for Chemical Biology) is being actively developed in the field of identification/validation of new molecular targets and development of innovative therapies. Similarly, the collaboration with BBMRI (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure) and ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) is being established for the discovery and validation projects in the field of biomarkers, rare diseases and advanced clinical testing.

Future development

In the upcoming period of operation of EATRIS-CZ it is expected to consolidate and integrate the network of centres, to support their cooperation with clients at national and international level, to develop open access to their capacity and expertise, to establish a national network of translational medicine and biomedical research infrastructures that will cooperate on common pilot projects and provide service for complex studies.

Socio-economic impact

Research infrastructure EATRIS-CZ contributes to public health by increasing the number of innovative products from preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines, while focusing on unmet medical need in the Czech Republic and Europe. EATRIS-CZ improves research culture and improves control of academic community over its own research. It trains new generation of researchers, health care and pharma industry professionals. EATRIS-CZ maximizes return on investment in basic research, advances candidate products from the academia and increases their chance to be licensed by the industry. EATRIS-CZ re-fills the pipeline of industry by transferring promising candidates to interested companies.