New internships at ESO for Czech students, scientists and engineers

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) hereby announces a call for applications for paid internships at the international organisation ESO (European Southern Observatory), which operates state-of-the-art astronomical observation facilities in Chile. Not only astronomers and astrophysicists find professional opportunities within the organisation, but most of the ESO staff are professionals in a wide range of engineering fields. The place of internships is Germany or Chile, the allowance is 2 500–3 000 EUR monthly (dependent on education and placing), the duration of the training programmes is 6–12 months (with possibility of extension). Czech students, scientists and engineers up to 32 years of age working in one of the following fields can apply:

  • Astronomy;
  • Astrophysics;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Electronic Engineering;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Control Engineering;
  • Optical Engineering;
  • Operations Engineering;
  • Project Management.

The application must be submitted to MEYS in English no later than 31st May 2021 to email address of Dr Jan Buriánek, Department of Research and Development. The starting date of internships is September 2021. Detailed information is available in the call for applications. (pdf)

European Southern Observatory – radio-telescopic array ALMA

European Southern Observatory

The European Southern Observatory (ESO, formally European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) is an intergovernmental research organisation operated for ground-based astronomy. It was founded in 1962, it has brought together 16 European Member States and Australia as an Associated Partner, and it has more than 500 employees. The Czech Republic became its Member in 2007. ESO carries out a scientific programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities for astronomy and astrophysics to enable ground-breaking scientific discoveries. The ESO Headquarters is located in Garching near Munich, Germany, where also technical development programmes are carried out to provide the ESO observatories with the most advanced instruments and technologies. ESO’s observatories are located in northern Chile in Atacama Desert, where the best sites for starry sky observations in the world are to be found. An outstation ESO office is operated in Vitacura in Santiago de Chile.

European Southern Observatory – observatory at the La Silla Mountain