Register your service into the brand-new CatRIS Portal

CatRIS team is now ready to welcome Research Infrastructures, Core Facilities and Shared Scientific Resources services at European, national, regional and institutional levels of any field of science to register their services into the brand-new CatRIS Portal.

What will be your benefits of having your service in the catalogue?

  • Improves discoverability and visibility of your services
  • Helps them to attract potential users from both academia and industry
  • Supports service management via monitoring and visualization of your facilities
  • Showcases their services in an EOSC-compatible form
  • Enhances collaboration and networking

How can you be part of CatRIS catalogue?

Visit CatRIS Portal, log in and start filling the information about your service. Here you can find step by step instructions that will guide you in the whole process.

CatRIS Team is ready to support you for any technical issue you might have. We are also organising a set of webinars that will support service providers in the onboarding process. Discover more about it here!

What is  CatRIS?

