METROFOOD-CZ offers information and analyses from the field of food and agricultural production

METROFOOD-CZ is a research infrastructure that specializes in food and nutrition, and it is also the Czech national hub of the METROFOOD-RI (Infrastructure for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition). Within the overall help we offer analyses from the field of primary agricultural production, food processing and technology with respect to a quality, authenticity, safety and traceability of food, raw materials, food products and supplements. This research is managed by the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and its partners – University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, and Food Research Institute Prague. It is essential to keep our food safe during a coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, good practices must be followed during food production, distribution, retail, handling, storage and preparation, and potential contaminations or cross-contaminations that have to be avoided, in order to maintain nutritional and quality properties to ensure food safety.

METROFOOD-CZ in cooperation with METROFOOD-RI partners provides comprehensive quality evaluation of food and food supplements in laboratories of food chemistry and analysis, nanotechnology, biotechnology, microbial analysis, analytical chemistry, immunochemistry, food quality, nutrition and molecular biology. In this connection we can offer our expertises as well as analytical equipment such as GC-QTOF, UHPLC-QTOF, NMR, MALDI-TOF, etc.

For more information on METROFOOD-CZ please visit or or contact METROFOOD-CZ at or

METROFOORD-CZ – Infrastructure for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition in the Czech Republic