These are the ICRI 2022 key topics

Societal and economic benefits and impacts, and social responsibility of research infrastructures, their role and international cooperation and development of an integrated RI ecosystem. Those are the three main topics of this year´s International conference on research infrastructures ICRI 2022, which will take place from 19th to 21st October in Brno, Czech republic.

On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Brno took over the International Conference on Research Infrastructures ICRI 2022. In October, leading figures in science and research will gather in the South Moravian metropolis.

The preparations include regular meetings of the programme committee, which is involved in the selection of speakers for the conference, as well as the topics that will be central to this year´s infrastructure discussion. The topics are chosen in light of current trends and challenges that research infrastructures face and the need to respond to them. For this year, they are:

  • Societal and economic benefits and impacts, and social responsibility of RIs
  • International cooperation and the role of RIs
  • Developing an integrated RI ecosystem

„Given the international dimension of the conference, the members of the programme committee have been selected from all over the world, and although they come from different backgrounds, it is clear that topics such as sustainable development related to the transition to a green economy, a functional ecosystem of research infrastructures, or greater openness and the importance of communication to the broader public resonate across continents,“ says Ondřej Hradil from Masaryk University, the main organiser of ICRI 2022.

For more information on ICRI 2022, please follow the ICRI 2022 website, Twitter or LinkedIn. A call for Side and Satellite events is open until 31 March.