Open-House Day in ESO Headquarters in Garching near Munich

On Saturday 13th October 2018 between 11:00 and 18:00 (CET) the international astronomical organisation ESO will hold the Open-House Day at its headquarters in Garching near Munich, Germany. Visitors will get the opportunity to see for free the Visitors Centre with planetarium, where the 3D space shows, pictures and visualisation of space objects will be shown.

Also the state-of-the-art technology department will be introduced, visitors may observe the Sun surface with solar telescope or visit on a 3D virtual tour ESO observatories in Chile. Special programme for children will be in place as well.

The guides will provide visitors with presentations in German or in English. A light refreshments for visitors will be offered for free. Reservations are not required, in case of 3D shows at the planetarium are recommended though.

Sídlo ESO
