DARIAH-CZ Workshop on Digital Humanities 2018

When: 24th April 2018, 9:15-16:30

Kde: room no. 206 at Czech Academy of Sciences building at Národní 3, Prague 1, Czech Republic

DARIAH is an European research infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars working with computational methods and DARIAH-CZ is planned as a new national node of the DARIAH network. Its proposal has been favorably evaluated by an international panel during the Evaluation of Research Infrastructures in 2017 and it is waiting for government approval to be funded and included in the Czech Large Infrastructures Roadmap.

Partners of DARIAH-CZ from the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Charles University and the National Library are with support of DESIR and LINDAT/CLARIN projects organizing a one-day workshop to raise awareness about national and international activities in the field of Digital Humanities and to share experiences from European projects.

The workshop program will cover an extensive range of topics related to both infrastructure building and its use in research.

The workshop will be held in English, registration is free of charge and buffet lunch is included.

It is necessary to register to attend the event.

More information.