Name: Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory

Institution: Charles University

Coordinator: Dr Jan Prokleska;


MGML is an RI providing a research base for advanced materials research. Within its closely cooperating units, the Material Growth and Characterisation Laboratory (MGCL), Structural Analysis Laboratory (SAL) and the Material Properties Measurement Laboratory (MPML), MGML offers open access for external users to utilise a vast experimental instrument suite, as well as the high-level expertise of its scientists. MGCL has state-of-the-art facilities for metal refinement, the synthesis of new materials and the preparation of high-quality single crystals using multiple different techniques. The unique combination of different crystal growth methods allows its users a great deal of flexibility and the ability to optimise the technology of producing entirely new materials. Modern X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy instruments in SAL allow for the detailed structural and phase characterisation of samples. MPML offers measurements of a wide portfolio of the physical (magnetic, transport, thermal, acoustic and elastic) properties of materials through several complementary experimental methods. The extensive range of MGML instruments makes it possible to carry out measurements in temperatures ranging from millikelvins up to several hundred degrees Celsius, magnetic and electric fields, and hydrostatic and uniaxial pressures. The possibility of preparing, characterising and measuring uranium materials, for which the host institution has the appropriate license, is also important. Interconnection of this wide range of experimental techniques for the preparation, characterisation and measurement of physical properties makes MGML a unique RI in the Czech Republic, fully comparable with the world's leading laboratories. MGML actively collaborates with major European RIs, such as EMFL (European Magnetic Field Laboratory), ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin), ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) or European Spallation Source ERIC. For these subjects, MGML acts as a supportive RI providing top-notch high-quality sample preparation and characterisation, as well as a broad spectrum of macroscopic experimental techniques.
