Name: Centre of Materials and Nanotechnologies

Institution: University Pardubice

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Tomáš Wágner; tomas.wagner@upce.cz

NANOPROGRESS cluster connecting companies and research organisations active in R&I and the commercialisation of nanomaterials. CEMNAT also cooperates with RIs in the Czech Republic and abroad that are very significant in materials research. This applies, in particular, to synchrotron units, Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste, Italy, and ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) in Grenoble, France, and also RIs utilising high energy lasers, ELI ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure) and HiLASE (High Average Power Pulsed Lasers) in Dolní Břežany, Czechia.
