European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Basic information

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), established in 1974, is a European intergovernmental research organisation active in the field of natural sciences with the main focus on molecular biology. The headquarters of EMBL and the main laboratory are situated in Heidelberg, Germany. EMBL is supported by 27 European Member States, including the State of Israel and the Czech Republic (since 2014). Non-European Associate Member is Australia). The annual Czech contribution to EMBL amounts roughly to 1 mil. EUR. Every 5 years EMBL is developing its strategic programme that defines its future operations and the advancement of its core missions. This plan is also used as the basis for defining the 5-year EMBL budget. The main strategic priorities for the period 2017-2021 include the reinforcement of the EMBL’s scientific activities in the field of digital biology. Another priority aims at the expansion of the EMBL service portfolio. A significant achievement of recent years is opening of a new EMBL outstation in 2018 in Barcelona, ​​Spain, which is focused on tissue biology and disease modelling.

EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory

EMBL outstations

In addition to the main EMBL laboratory situated in Heidelberg, there are 5 complementary laboratories in Hinxton (United Kingdom), Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Monterotondo (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain).


Research in EMBL focuses on the priority strategic goal, which is understanding of fundamental biological processes in model organisms. Each of the EMBL outstations contributes to this objective by carrying out their own research. In addition to the traditional websites dedicated to site-specific research, EMBL uses also modern communication tools such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. EMBL presents its top results by means of press releases, annual reports and news.

Engagement of the Czech Republic

Thanks to the membership of the Czech Republic in EMBL Czech scientists have the opportunity to take part in achieving excellent research results in the field of natural sciences at EMBL outstations using their unique technology, core facilities and services, including bioinformatics, and to train new generations of top scientists using EMBL programmes and study stays with an emphasis put on the interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity.

EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory


Public procurement information is mediated by the EMBL Purchasing Department. In the view of building a new outstation in Barcelona in the coming years public tenders may be of great interest to the business community. For the technology transfer, licensing and IPR purposes EMBL established its own organisation EMBLEM.


EMBL offers a wide range of scientific, engineering and administrative positions on the regular basis. An international selection procedure is announced for each position. More detailed information on vacancies can be found on the relevant EMBL websites.

EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory
