Name: Czech International Centre of Research Reactors

Institution: Research Centre Řež s.r.o.

Coordinator: Ján Milčák;


CICRR manages two existing LRI projects long listed on the Czech Roadmap – Reactors LVR-15 and LR-0 (Nuclear Research Reactors LVR-15 and LR-0), and JHR-CZ (Jules Horowitz Reactor – participation of the Czech Republic). In addition, these are newly supported by a system of laboratories, hot cells, loops, and other analytical and R&I facilities developed in the framework of the recently commissioned SUSEN (Sustainable Energy) capacity, which is also operated by Research Centre Řež s.r.o. The main goal of the LVR-15 and LR-0 experimental nuclear reactors is to provide technological and experimental background for users in the field of the R&I of 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation nuclear technology and fusion. The LVR-15 reactor is a multi-purpose research reactor producing 10MW of thermal power. It provides a high-density neutron field comparable to energy reactors suitable, e.g., for researching neutron properties, producing radionuclides for medical purposes, and for the research of radiation resistance of construction materials in related experimental devices that simulate the operational conditions of different types of energy reactors. The LR-0 reactor is an experimental zero-power nuclear reactor, which allows for taking accurate measurements in the field of reactor physics to verify computational tools and nuclear data for their further use in research, development and safety assessments of nuclear technology. The high accuracy of LR-0’s measurements is achieved by using unique measurement methods that are often developed in collaboration with leading nuclear instrumentation suppliers directly inside of the reactor. The construction of the LR-0 reactor was designed for the performance of full-scale experiments in the field of VVER energy reactor physics. However, it also allows for simulating other reactor technologies, especially selected types of 4th generation reactors. The combination of experimental flexibility, as well as large field versatility, makes the LR-0 reactor unique in the world. Finally, JHR-CZ allows for Czech participation in JHR (Jules Horowitz Reactor), a material testing reactor for the research, development and qualification of materials and nuclear fuel. It will allow researchers to test materials under the conditions of power reactors, to speed up the modelling of the degradation of materials and to evaluate the end of life properties of components. JHR will support a broad range of irradiation tests, such as fuel studies covering selection and characterisation, testing the behaviour of fuel subjected to power transients, the evaluation of fuel in normal and beyond-design and accidental conditions or materials studies. The portfolio of provided expertise and services will also include nuclear waste management and medical applications. The overall mission of CICRR is to provide an integral set of facilities for cutting-edge R&I in the fields of nuclear and material sciences, able to accommodate both current and emerging trends and needs, leveraging on the unique ability to provide investigations of the combined effects of extreme environments and radiation on a large variety of components and systems for a wide range of applications.
