
Name: CzechNanoLab Research Infrastructure

Institution: Brno University of Technology

Coordinator: Ing. Michal Urbánek, Ph.D.;


CzechNanoLab provides its users with multi-disciplinary tools and know-how at the frontier of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It gives scientists and engineers an opportunity to complete the R&I cycle, in which fundamental ideas and experiments fuel tech-transfer activities that in turn provide feedback and inspiration to basic science. CzechNanoLab bridges fundamental academic research and practical industrial applications with training in R&I and entrepreneurship. CzechNanoLab serves an international community of scientists and engineers with ambitions to work on the most attractive and challenging R&I projects in nanoscience and nanotechnology. These projects include new types of quasiparticle interactions, lossless electron transfer, artificial neural networks, nanodevices for medical diagnostics and therapeutics, and many more. CzechNanoLab consists of two sites, CEITEC Nano located in Brno, and the Laboratory of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials (LNSM) based in Prague. These two workplaces provide fast and easy access to cutting-edge equipment and expertise for the fabrication and analysis of nanostructures and nanomaterials. Researchers from both academic and industrial institutions from the Czech Republic and from abroad may access this RI. Basic technologies and devices are available at both CzechNanoLab sites, and the sites complement each other in advanced and more demanding equipment.
